study NST_Sample_ID NST_Site General_Location Specific_Location Fiscal_Year Collection_Date Matrix Scientific_Name Method Parameter Result Unit Qualifier Mussel Watch MW1986CCNBSED CCNB Corpus Christi Nueces Bay 1986 29JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 56.63333257 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006LMPISED LMPI Lower Laguna Madre Port Isabel 2006 17DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 79.73 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997CCBHSED CCBH Corpus Christi Boat Harbor 1997 16DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 20.49 Percent Mussel Watch MW1988MBCBSED MBCB Matagorda Bay Carancahua Bay 1988 12JAN1988:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 34.5 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987MBGPSED MBGP Matagorda Bay Gallinipper Point 1987 13JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 17.093332926 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997CCICSED CCIC Corpus Christi Ingleside Cove 1997 16DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 11.99 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986MBTPSED MBTP Matagorda Bay Tres Palacios Bay 1986 06MAR1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0.5099999905 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987ESSPSED ESSP Espiritu Santo South Pass Reef 1987 15JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007CBCRSED CBCR Copano Bay Copano Reef 2007 29NOV2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 54.88 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007MBTPSED MBTP Matagorda Bay Tres Palacios Bay 2007 01DEC2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 49.4 Percent Mussel Watch MW1996ESSPSED ESSP Espiritu Santo South Pass Reef 1996 19DEC1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 17.41 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987CCNBSED CCNB Corpus Christi Nueces Bay 1987 13JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 35 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007CCNBSED CCNB Corpus Christi Nueces Bay 2007 28NOV2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 45.68 Percent Mussel Watch MW1988MBCBSED MBCB Matagorda Bay Carancahua Bay 1988 12JAN1988:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0.1100000044 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986LMSBSED LMSB Lower Laguna Madre South Bay 1986 24JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 3.8399999936 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997UISBSED UISB Unakwit Inlet Siwash Bay 1997 02APR1997:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 64.37 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997MBGPSED MBGP Matagorda Bay Gallinipper Point 1997 20DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 18.82 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007MBCBSED MBCB Matagorda Bay Carancahua Bay 2007 14DEC2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 26.68 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986MBARSED MBAR Mesquite Bay Ayres Reef 1986 28JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 37.866666158 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997CIHSSED CIHS Cook Inlet Homer Spit 1997 31MAR1997:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 30.65 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986ESBDSED ESBD Espiritu Santo Bill Days Reef 1986 01FEB1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 8.4666665395 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987CBCRSED CBCR Copano Bay Copano Reef 1987 14JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 17.330000242 Percent Mussel Watch MW1995GASHSED GASH Gulf of Alaska Shuyak Harbor 1995 19MAR1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 6.8 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987MBGPSED MBGP Matagorda Bay Gallinipper Point 1987 13JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 23.196666718 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987MBEMSED MBEM Matagorda Bay East Matagorda 1987 12JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 34.090000153 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986MBGPSED MBGP Matagorda Bay Gallinipper Point 1986 31JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 65.953334173 Percent Mussel Watch MW1996LMPISED LMPI Lower Laguna Madre Port Isabel 1996 13DEC1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 6.67 Percent Mussel Watch MW1988MBDISED MBDI Matagorda Bay Dog Island 1988 11JAN1988:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 26.736666997 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997NBESSED NBES Nahku Bay East Side 1997 05APR1997:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 12.96 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986MBLRSED MBLR Matagorda Bay Lavaca River Mouth 1986 31JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007MBEMSED MBEM Matagorda Bay East Matagorda 2007 14DEC2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007MBGPSED MBGP Matagorda Bay Gallinipper Point 2007 13DEC2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 39.52 Percent Mussel Watch MW1988MBDISED MBDI Matagorda Bay Dog Island 1988 11JAN1988:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 70.523333232 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997MBTPSED MBTP Matagorda Bay Tres Palacios Bay 1997 20DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 7.4 Percent Mussel Watch MW1995GASLSED GASL Prince William Sound Sleepy Bay 1995 28MAR1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 4.3 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986CBCRSED CBCR Copano Bay Copano Reef 1986 25JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 29.546667099 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987ESSPSED ESSP Espiritu Santo South Pass Reef 1987 15JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 36.383333842 Percent Mussel Watch MW1996LMSBSED LMSB Lower Laguna Madre South Bay 1996 13DEC1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 30.29 Percent Mussel Watch MW1988CCBHSED CCBH Corpus Christi Boat Harbor 1988 13JAN1988:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 46.256665548 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007BRFSSED BRFS Brazos River Freeport Surfside 2007 18NOV2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 36.39 Percent Mussel Watch MW1988BRFSSED BRFS Brazos River Freeport Surfside 1988 16DEC1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 61.253332774 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997BRCLSED BRCL Brazos River Cedar Lakes 1997 03DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 33.79 Percent Mussel Watch MW1996LMSBSED LMSB Lower Laguna Madre South Bay 1996 13DEC1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 57.04 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997MBEMSED MBEM Matagorda Bay East Matagorda 1997 20DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 48.29 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987MBTPSED MBTP Matagorda Bay Tres Palacios Bay 1987 14JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 69.456666311 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997CCBHSED CCBH Corpus Christi Boat Harbor 1997 16DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 61.75 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997MBLRSED MBLR Matagorda Bay Lavaca River Mouth 1997 18DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 63.56 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986MBARSED MBAR Mesquite Bay Ayres Reef 1986 28JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987MBLRSED MBLR Matagorda Bay Lavaca River Mouth 1987 13JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW1988CCBHSED CCBH Corpus Christi Boat Harbor 1988 13JAN1988:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 28.026667277 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986ESBDSED ESBD Espiritu Santo Bill Days Reef 1986 01FEB1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997MBEMSED MBEM Matagorda Bay East Matagorda 1997 20DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 51.71 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987ESBDSED ESBD Espiritu Santo Bill Days Reef 1987 15JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 77.739997864 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997BRFSSED BRFS Brazos River Freeport Surfside 1997 03DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 66.84 Percent Mussel Watch MW1988ABHISED ABHI Aransas Bay Harbor Island 1988 13JAN1988:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 49.696666718 Percent Mussel Watch MW1995PWSHSED PWSH Prince William Sound Sheep Bay 1995 30MAR1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 94.4 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007CCNBSED CCNB Corpus Christi Nueces Bay 2007 28NOV2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 33.34 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006LMACSED LMAC Lower Laguna Madre Arroyo Colorado 2006 17DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 58.8 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986CCICSED CCIC Corpus Christi Ingleside Cove 1986 02FEB1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 6 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986LMSBSED LMSB Lower Laguna Madre South Bay 1986 24JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 44.283332825 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006LMSBSED LMSB Lower Laguna Madre South Bay 2006 17DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 65.85 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997MBCBSED MBCB Matagorda Bay Carancahua Bay 1997 18DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 6.58 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987MBARSED MBAR Mesquite Bay Ayres Reef 1987 13JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 43.246667226 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997MBARSED MBAR Mesquite Bay Ayres Reef 1997 17DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 6.09 Percent Mussel Watch MW1988MBCBSED MBCB Matagorda Bay Carancahua Bay 1988 12JAN1988:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 36 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007MBARSED MBAR Mesquite Bay Ayres Reef 2007 29NOV2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 28.16 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986MBLRSED MBLR Matagorda Bay Lavaca River Mouth 1986 31JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 25.226666768 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007MBLRSED MBLR Matagorda Bay Lavaca River Mouth 2007 01DEC2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 26.4 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987MBLRSED MBLR Matagorda Bay Lavaca River Mouth 1987 13JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 23.726666768 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007MBGPSED MBGP Matagorda Bay Gallinipper Point 2007 13DEC2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 20.43 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997MBEMSED MBEM Matagorda Bay East Matagorda 1997 20DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 17.63 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007MBEMSED MBEM Matagorda Bay East Matagorda 2007 14DEC2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 26.79 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986MBGPSED MBGP Matagorda Bay Gallinipper Point 1986 31JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 18.323333104 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986MBEMSED MBEM Matagorda Bay East Matagorda 1986 30JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 17.853333473 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986MBTPSED MBTP Matagorda Bay Tres Palacios Bay 1986 06MAR1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 26.5 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987MBTPSED MBTP Matagorda Bay Tres Palacios Bay 1987 14JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 26.569999695 Percent Mussel Watch MW1995GAWBSED GAWB Gulf of Alaska Windy Bay 1995 20MAR1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 0.6 Percent Mussel Watch MW1995CIHSSED CIHS Cook Inlet Homer Spit 1995 19MAR1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 0.3366666667 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997CBCRSED CBCR Copano Bay Copano Reef 1997 20DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 38.64 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987ESBDSED ESBD Espiritu Santo Bill Days Reef 1987 15JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 16.440000534 Percent Mussel Watch MW1996ESBDSED ESBD Espiritu Santo Bill Days Reef 1996 19DEC1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 6.8 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006ESBDSED ESBD Espiritu Santo Bill Days Reef 2006 06DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 16.82 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006ESSPSED ESSP Espiritu Santo South Pass Reef 2006 06DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 70.72 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986ESSPSED ESSP Espiritu Santo South Pass Reef 1986 01FEB1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 33.803333282 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997MBLRSED MBLR Matagorda Bay Lavaca River Mouth 1997 18DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 21.34 Percent Mussel Watch MW1996LMPISED LMPI Lower Laguna Madre Port Isabel 1996 13DEC1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 2.89 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987LMSBSED LMSB Lower Laguna Madre South Bay 1987 09DEC1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 31.576666514 Percent Mussel Watch MW1988LMPISED LMPI Lower Laguna Madre Port Isabel 1988 16DEC1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 26.220000267 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006LMPISED LMPI Lower Laguna Madre Port Isabel 2006 17DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 19 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986CCNBSED CCNB Corpus Christi Nueces Bay 1986 29JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 24.323332787 Percent Mussel Watch MW1995PWSHSED PWSH Prince William Sound Sheep Bay 1995 30MAR1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 1.7 Percent Mussel Watch MW1996ESBDSED ESBD Espiritu Santo Bill Days Reef 1996 19DEC1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 16.6 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986SAMPSED SAMP San Antonio Bay Mosquito Point 1986 02FEB1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 31.076666514 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006SAPPSED SAPP San Antonio Bay Panther Point Reef 2006 06DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 48.51 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987SAPPSED SAPP San Antonio Bay Panther Point Reef 1987 15JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 45.834999084 Percent Mussel Watch MW1996SAPPSED SAPP San Antonio Bay Panther Point Reef 1996 19DEC1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 21.3 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987PVMCSED PVMC Port Valdez Mineral Creek Flats 1987 27MAR1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 46.333333333 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987ABLRSED ABLR Aransas Bay Long Reef 1987 13JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 20.400000254 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997UISBSED UISB Unakwit Inlet Siwash Bay 1997 02APR1997:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 5.4 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007BRCLSED BRCL Brazos River Cedar Lakes 2007 18NOV2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 25.75 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997CCICSED CCIC Corpus Christi Ingleside Cove 1997 16DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 73.7 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007MBLRSED MBLR Matagorda Bay Lavaca River Mouth 2007 01DEC2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006LMACSED LMAC Lower Laguna Madre Arroyo Colorado 2006 17DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 29.84 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987ESSPSED ESSP Espiritu Santo South Pass Reef 1987 15JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 14.670000076 Percent Mussel Watch MW1995GAWBSED GAWB Gulf of Alaska Windy Bay 1995 20MAR1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 98.2 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986MBTPSED MBTP Matagorda Bay Tres Palacios Bay 1986 06MAR1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 46 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986MBARSED MBAR Mesquite Bay Ayres Reef 1986 28JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 9.9966667493 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997NBESSED NBES Nahku Bay East Side 1997 05APR1997:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 52.55 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997MBLRSED MBLR Matagorda Bay Lavaca River Mouth 1997 18DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987MBEMSED MBEM Matagorda Bay East Matagorda 1987 12JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997CCBHSED CCBH Corpus Christi Boat Harbor 1997 16DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 17.76 Percent Mussel Watch MW1995CIHSSED CIHS Cook Inlet Homer Spit 1995 19MAR1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 1.6133333333 Percent Mussel Watch MW1988LMPISED LMPI Lower Laguna Madre Port Isabel 1988 16DEC1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 55.459999084 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986MBEMSED MBEM Matagorda Bay East Matagorda 1986 30JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 16.093333244 Percent Mussel Watch MW1988CCBHSED CCBH Corpus Christi Boat Harbor 1988 13JAN1988:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 25.326666514 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986MBARSED MBAR Mesquite Bay Ayres Reef 1986 28JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 52.136667887 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997CCNBSED CCNB Corpus Christi Nueces Bay 1997 16DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 44 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987PVMCSED PVMC Port Valdez Mineral Creek Flats 1987 27MAR1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW1988LMPISED LMPI Lower Laguna Madre Port Isabel 1988 16DEC1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 43.5266668 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997MBCBSED MBCB Matagorda Bay Carancahua Bay 1997 18DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 12.38 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007MBTPSED MBTP Matagorda Bay Tres Palacios Bay 2007 01DEC2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 73.13 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006ESSPSED ESSP Espiritu Santo South Pass Reef 2006 06DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 75.61 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986ESBDSED ESBD Espiritu Santo Bill Days Reef 1986 01FEB1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 16.679999987 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987CCICSED CCIC Corpus Christi Ingleside Cove 1987 13JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 32.163333257 Percent Mussel Watch MW1996SAMPSED SAMP San Antonio Bay Mosquito Point 1996 19DEC1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 37.58 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987SAMPSED SAMP San Antonio Bay Mosquito Point 1987 14JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 26.296666781 Percent Mussel Watch MW1989BRCLSED BRCL Brazos River Cedar Lakes 1989 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 36.683332443 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997NBESSED NBES Nahku Bay East Side 1997 05APR1997:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006LMSBSED LMSB Lower Laguna Madre South Bay 2006 17DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 3.94 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987ABLRSED ABLR Aransas Bay Long Reef 1987 13JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 53.216667175 Percent Mussel Watch MW1988ABHISED ABHI Aransas Bay Harbor Island 1988 13JAN1988:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 37.209999084 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997PVMCSED PVMC Port Valdez Mineral Creek Flats 1997 02APR1997:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 6.75 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987ABLRSED ABLR Aransas Bay Long Reef 1987 13JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 26.383333206 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986ESBDSED ESBD Espiritu Santo Bill Days Reef 1986 01FEB1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 83.320002238 Percent Mussel Watch MW1988ABHISED ABHI Aransas Bay Harbor Island 1988 13JAN1988:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 50.033332189 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987SAMPSED SAMP San Antonio Bay Mosquito Point 1987 14JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 14.490000089 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007MBEMSED MBEM Matagorda Bay East Matagorda 2007 14DEC2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 50.56 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986CCICSED CCIC Corpus Christi Ingleside Cove 1986 02FEB1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 83 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997CCBHSED CCBH Corpus Christi Boat Harbor 1997 16DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 38.25 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997CCICSED CCIC Corpus Christi Ingleside Cove 1997 16DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW1995PWDISED PWDI Prince William Sound Disk Island 1995 28MAR1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 98.2 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986LMSBSED LMSB Lower Laguna Madre South Bay 1986 24JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 64.239999453 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997CBCRSED CBCR Copano Bay Copano Reef 1997 20DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006ESBDSED ESBD Espiritu Santo Bill Days Reef 2006 06DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 18.39 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987MBGPSED MBGP Matagorda Bay Gallinipper Point 1987 13JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997ABLRSED ABLR Aransas Bay Long Reef 1997 17DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 22.98 Percent Mussel Watch MW1995CIHSSED CIHS Cook Inlet Homer Spit 1995 19MAR1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 1.95 Percent Mussel Watch MW1995GAWBSED GAWB Gulf of Alaska Windy Bay 1995 20MAR1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 1.3 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986ESSPSED ESSP Espiritu Santo South Pass Reef 1986 01FEB1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 11.980000178 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997ABLRSED ABLR Aransas Bay Long Reef 1997 17DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 63.4 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987CBCRSED CBCR Copano Bay Copano Reef 1987 14JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 93.640000343 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997CCICSED CCIC Corpus Christi Ingleside Cove 1997 16DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 26.3 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987CCNBSED CCNB Corpus Christi Nueces Bay 1987 13JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 71.439999898 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987CCICSED CCIC Corpus Christi Ingleside Cove 1987 13JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 53.25333341 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986UISBSED UISB Unakwit Inlet Siwash Bay 1986 24MAR1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 53.5 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007BRFSSED BRFS Brazos River Freeport Surfside 2007 18NOV2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 20.4 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997MBARSED MBAR Mesquite Bay Ayres Reef 1997 17DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 13.77 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986CBCRSED CBCR Copano Bay Copano Reef 1986 25JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987CCICSED CCIC Corpus Christi Ingleside Cove 1987 13JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 21.090000153 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997BRFSSED BRFS Brazos River Freeport Surfside 1997 03DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 33.16 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986ABLRSED ABLR Aransas Bay Long Reef 1986 26JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 19 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987MBTPSED MBTP Matagorda Bay Tres Palacios Bay 1987 14JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987PVMCSED PVMC Port Valdez Mineral Creek Flats 1987 27MAR1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 53.666666667 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986ABLRSED ABLR Aransas Bay Long Reef 1986 26JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 26 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006ESBDSED ESBD Espiritu Santo Bill Days Reef 2006 06DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 59.95 Percent Mussel Watch MW1996SAMPSED SAMP San Antonio Bay Mosquito Point 1996 19DEC1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 63.79 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006LMSBSED LMSB Lower Laguna Madre South Bay 2006 17DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 29.97 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006SAPPSED SAPP San Antonio Bay Panther Point Reef 2006 06DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0.56 Percent Mussel Watch MW1995GASHSED GASH Gulf of Alaska Shuyak Harbor 1995 19MAR1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 9.2 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987MBTPSED MBTP Matagorda Bay Tres Palacios Bay 1987 14JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 42.886666616 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987ABLRSED ABLR Aransas Bay Long Reef 1987 13JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 46.78333346 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007ABLRSED ABLR Aransas Bay Long Reef 2007 29NOV2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 54.43 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986PVMCSED PVMC Port Valdez Mineral Creek Flats 1986 24MAR1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 100 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997CBCRSED CBCR Copano Bay Copano Reef 1997 20DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 94.14 Percent Mussel Watch MW1996SAPPSED SAPP San Antonio Bay Panther Point Reef 1996 19DEC1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 55.12 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986SAPPSED SAPP San Antonio Bay Panther Point Reef 1986 02FEB1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 17.810000102 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007CCNBSED CCNB Corpus Christi Nueces Bay 2007 28NOV2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 54.32 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986CBCRSED CBCR Copano Bay Copano Reef 1986 25JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 2.0099999507 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987LMSBSED LMSB Lower Laguna Madre South Bay 1987 09DEC1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 16.846666336 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997BRCLSED BRCL Brazos River Cedar Lakes 1997 03DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 40.52 Percent Mussel Watch MW1988CCBHSED CCBH Corpus Christi Boat Harbor 1988 13JAN1988:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0.3966666721 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006LMPISED LMPI Lower Laguna Madre Port Isabel 2006 17DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 20.2 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987MBARSED MBAR Mesquite Bay Ayres Reef 1987 13JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 91.406667074 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007MBARSED MBAR Mesquite Bay Ayres Reef 2007 29NOV2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 72.35 Percent Mussel Watch MW1996SAMPSED SAMP San Antonio Bay Mosquito Point 1996 19DEC1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 36.21 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007BRCLSED BRCL Brazos River Cedar Lakes 2007 18NOV2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997UISBSED UISB Unakwit Inlet Siwash Bay 1997 02APR1997:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 9.93 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007BRFSSED BRFS Brazos River Freeport Surfside 2007 18NOV2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 79.6 Percent Mussel Watch MW1995PWDISED PWDI Prince William Sound Disk Island 1995 28MAR1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 0.8 Percent Mussel Watch MW1995PWDISED PWDI Prince William Sound Disk Island 1995 28MAR1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 1 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006LMACSED LMAC Lower Laguna Madre Arroyo Colorado 2006 17DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 5.88 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007MBTPSED MBTP Matagorda Bay Tres Palacios Bay 2007 01DEC2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997BRFSSED BRFS Brazos River Freeport Surfside 1997 03DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 15.01 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006ESSPSED ESSP Espiritu Santo South Pass Reef 2006 06DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 15.07 Percent Mussel Watch MW1996ESSPSED ESSP Espiritu Santo South Pass Reef 1996 19DEC1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 62.32 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986SAMPSED SAMP San Antonio Bay Mosquito Point 1986 02FEB1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 68.919999441 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007ABLRSED ABLR Aransas Bay Long Reef 2007 29NOV2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 31.16 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987LMSBSED LMSB Lower Laguna Madre South Bay 1987 09DEC1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 51.576667786 Percent Mussel Watch MW1996ESSPSED ESSP Espiritu Santo South Pass Reef 1996 19DEC1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 20.27 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986ESSPSED ESSP Espiritu Santo South Pass Reef 1986 01FEB1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 54.179999034 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006ESSPSED ESSP Espiritu Santo South Pass Reef 2006 06DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 4.89 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987ESBDSED ESBD Espiritu Santo Bill Days Reef 1987 15JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 5.8200001717 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987SAPPSED SAPP San Antonio Bay Panther Point Reef 1987 15JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW1995GASLSED GASL Prince William Sound Sleepy Bay 1995 28MAR1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 88 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986MBTPSED MBTP Matagorda Bay Tres Palacios Bay 1986 06MAR1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 27 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997MBTPSED MBTP Matagorda Bay Tres Palacios Bay 1997 20DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 17.1 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997MBGPSED MBGP Matagorda Bay Gallinipper Point 1997 20DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 36.88 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007MBGPSED MBGP Matagorda Bay Gallinipper Point 2007 13DEC2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 40.05 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997MBLRSED MBLR Matagorda Bay Lavaca River Mouth 1997 18DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 15.1 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007MBARSED MBAR Mesquite Bay Ayres Reef 2007 29NOV2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 44.19 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007MBCBSED MBCB Matagorda Bay Carancahua Bay 2007 14DEC2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 26.68 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997MBARSED MBAR Mesquite Bay Ayres Reef 1997 17DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 7.68 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987CBCRSED CBCR Copano Bay Copano Reef 1987 14JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 6.360000213 Percent Mussel Watch MW1996LMSBSED LMSB Lower Laguna Madre South Bay 1996 13DEC1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 26.75 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986LMSBSED LMSB Lower Laguna Madre South Bay 1986 24JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 19.956666629 Percent Mussel Watch MW1988LMPISED LMPI Lower Laguna Madre Port Isabel 1988 16DEC1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 17.306666533 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006LMPISED LMPI Lower Laguna Madre Port Isabel 2006 17DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 1.2 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997ABLRSED ABLR Aransas Bay Long Reef 1997 17DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 36.6 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997NBESSED NBES Nahku Bay East Side 1997 05APR1997:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 87.04 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997PVMCSED PVMC Port Valdez Mineral Creek Flats 1997 02APR1997:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 12.48 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006SAMPSED SAMP San Antonio Bay Mosquito Point 2006 06DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 3.05 Percent Mussel Watch MW1995PWDISED PWDI Prince William Sound Disk Island 1995 28MAR1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 1.8 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986ABLRSED ABLR Aransas Bay Long Reef 1986 26JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 53 Percent Mussel Watch MW1995PWKHSED PWKH Prince William Sound Knowles Head 1995 29MAR1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 97.7 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006LMSBSED LMSB Lower Laguna Madre South Bay 2006 17DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 69.79 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987LMSBSED LMSB Lower Laguna Madre South Bay 1987 09DEC1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 48.42333285 Percent Mussel Watch MW1996LMPISED LMPI Lower Laguna Madre Port Isabel 1996 13DEC1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 9.56 Percent Mussel Watch MW1988MBDISED MBDI Matagorda Bay Dog Island 1988 11JAN1988:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 97.260000229 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986CBCRSED CBCR Copano Bay Copano Reef 1986 25JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 97.990001043 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986MBARSED MBAR Mesquite Bay Ayres Reef 1986 28JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 90.003334045 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986MBLRSED MBLR Matagorda Bay Lavaca River Mouth 1986 31JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 84.893334707 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997MBLRSED MBLR Matagorda Bay Lavaca River Mouth 1997 18DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 36.44 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007MBGPSED MBGP Matagorda Bay Gallinipper Point 2007 13DEC2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 60.48 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986MBEMSED MBEM Matagorda Bay East Matagorda 1986 30JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 33.946666718 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986MBTPSED MBTP Matagorda Bay Tres Palacios Bay 1986 06MAR1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 50.583333651 Percent Mussel Watch MW1989BRCLSED BRCL Brazos River Cedar Lakes 1989 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 38.75 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987ESBDSED ESBD Espiritu Santo Bill Days Reef 1987 15JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 22.260000706 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986ESSPSED ESSP Espiritu Santo South Pass Reef 1986 01FEB1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 87.983332316 Percent Mussel Watch MW1996SAPPSED SAPP San Antonio Bay Panther Point Reef 1996 19DEC1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 33.82 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006SAMPSED SAMP San Antonio Bay Mosquito Point 2006 06DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0.03 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986SAPPSED SAPP San Antonio Bay Panther Point Reef 1986 02FEB1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 40.633333206 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987CBCRSED CBCR Copano Bay Copano Reef 1987 14JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 76.310000102 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986CCICSED CCIC Corpus Christi Ingleside Cove 1986 02FEB1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 14.150000016 Percent Mussel Watch MW1988ABHISED ABHI Aransas Bay Harbor Island 1988 13JAN1988:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0.2733333285 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987MBARSED MBAR Mesquite Bay Ayres Reef 1987 13JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 48.159999847 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997CBCRSED CBCR Copano Bay Copano Reef 1997 20DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 5.86 Percent Mussel Watch MW1988CCBHSED CCBH Corpus Christi Boat Harbor 1988 13JAN1988:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 74.283332825 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986UISBSED UISB Unakwit Inlet Siwash Bay 1986 24MAR1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 27 Percent Mussel Watch MW1988BRFSSED BRFS Brazos River Freeport Surfside 1988 16DEC1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 15.303333124 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987CCICSED CCIC Corpus Christi Ingleside Cove 1987 13JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987UISBSED UISB Unakwit Inlet Siwash Bay 1987 26MAR1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 24.466666667 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997BRCLSED BRCL Brazos River Cedar Lakes 1997 03DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 25.69 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007BRCLSED BRCL Brazos River Cedar Lakes 2007 18NOV2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 14.41 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997CCNBSED CCNB Corpus Christi Nueces Bay 1997 16DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007ABLRSED ABLR Aransas Bay Long Reef 2007 29NOV2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997UISBSED UISB Unakwit Inlet Siwash Bay 1997 02APR1997:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 25.7 Percent Mussel Watch MW1989BRCLSED BRCL Brazos River Cedar Lakes 1989 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 1.5333333015 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986CBCRSED CBCR Copano Bay Copano Reef 1986 25JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 68.443333944 Percent Mussel Watch MW1996ESSPSED ESSP Espiritu Santo South Pass Reef 1996 19DEC1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 37.68 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987ESSPSED ESSP Espiritu Santo South Pass Reef 1987 15JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 85.330000559 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997CIHSSED CIHS Cook Inlet Homer Spit 1997 31MAR1997:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987CCNBSED CCNB Corpus Christi Nueces Bay 1987 13JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 35 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986CCICSED CCIC Corpus Christi Ingleside Cove 1986 02FEB1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 7.7566666603 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987UISBSED UISB Unakwit Inlet Siwash Bay 1987 26MAR1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 1.4 Percent Mussel Watch MW1995PWKHSED PWKH Prince William Sound Knowles Head 1995 29MAR1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 1.2 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007ABLRSED ABLR Aransas Bay Long Reef 2007 29NOV2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 23.27 Percent Mussel Watch MW1988BRFSSED BRFS Brazos River Freeport Surfside 1988 16DEC1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 83.813332876 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997BRCLSED BRCL Brazos River Cedar Lakes 1997 03DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 59.48 Percent Mussel Watch MW1989BRCLSED BRCL Brazos River Cedar Lakes 1989 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 75.433332443 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006ESSPSED ESSP Espiritu Santo South Pass Reef 2006 06DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 9.32 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986PVMCSED PVMC Port Valdez Mineral Creek Flats 1986 24MAR1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 53.333333333 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997CIHSSED CIHS Cook Inlet Homer Spit 1997 31MAR1997:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 20.04 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987LMSBSED LMSB Lower Laguna Madre South Bay 1987 09DEC1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006LMPISED LMPI Lower Laguna Madre Port Isabel 2006 17DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0.07 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997ABLRSED ABLR Aransas Bay Long Reef 1997 17DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 13.62 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997CIHSSED CIHS Cook Inlet Homer Spit 1997 31MAR1997:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 50.69 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007MBCBSED MBCB Matagorda Bay Carancahua Bay 2007 14DEC2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997MBARSED MBAR Mesquite Bay Ayres Reef 1997 17DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987UISBSED UISB Unakwit Inlet Siwash Bay 1987 26MAR1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 57 Percent Mussel Watch MW1996LMSBSED LMSB Lower Laguna Madre South Bay 1996 13DEC1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 42.96 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986LMSBSED LMSB Lower Laguna Madre South Bay 1986 24JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 31.916666031 Percent Mussel Watch MW1996LMPISED LMPI Lower Laguna Madre Port Isabel 1996 13DEC1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 90.44 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997MBCBSED MBCB Matagorda Bay Carancahua Bay 1997 18DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 87.62 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007MBCBSED MBCB Matagorda Bay Carancahua Bay 2007 14DEC2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 46.64 Percent Mussel Watch MW1988MBDISED MBDI Matagorda Bay Dog Island 1988 11JAN1988:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 2.0400000016 Percent Mussel Watch MW1988LMPISED LMPI Lower Laguna Madre Port Isabel 1988 16DEC1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 1.016666657 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007MBARSED MBAR Mesquite Bay Ayres Reef 2007 29NOV2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 27.65 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007MBLRSED MBLR Matagorda Bay Lavaca River Mouth 2007 01DEC2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 73.6 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986MBLRSED MBLR Matagorda Bay Lavaca River Mouth 1986 31JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 15.103333473 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007MBEMSED MBEM Matagorda Bay East Matagorda 2007 14DEC2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 49.44 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986MBGPSED MBGP Matagorda Bay Gallinipper Point 1986 31JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 34.050000191 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987MBEMSED MBEM Matagorda Bay East Matagorda 1987 12JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 42.63666598 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987MBTPSED MBTP Matagorda Bay Tres Palacios Bay 1987 14JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 30.543333689 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007MBTPSED MBTP Matagorda Bay Tres Palacios Bay 2007 01DEC2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 26.87 Percent Mussel Watch MW1995GASHSED GASH Gulf of Alaska Shuyak Harbor 1995 19MAR1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 84.1 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986CCNBSED CCNB Corpus Christi Nueces Bay 1986 29JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 16.840000153 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987SAPPSED SAPP San Antonio Bay Panther Point Reef 1987 15JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 54.164999962 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006SAMPSED SAMP San Antonio Bay Mosquito Point 2006 06DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 66.66 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986ABLRSED ABLR Aransas Bay Long Reef 1986 26JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 2 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997MBARSED MBAR Mesquite Bay Ayres Reef 1997 17DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 86.23 Percent Mussel Watch MW1996ESBDSED ESBD Espiritu Santo Bill Days Reef 1996 19DEC1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 9.8 Percent Mussel Watch MW1988MBCBSED MBCB Matagorda Bay Carancahua Bay 1988 12JAN1988:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 29.5 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987MBARSED MBAR Mesquite Bay Ayres Reef 1987 13JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 8.5933330854 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987MBLRSED MBLR Matagorda Bay Lavaca River Mouth 1987 13JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 58.129999797 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997MBGPSED MBGP Matagorda Bay Gallinipper Point 1997 20DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 44.3 Percent Mussel Watch MW1995CIHSSED CIHS Cook Inlet Homer Spit 1995 19MAR1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 98.05 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997CIHSSED CIHS Cook Inlet Homer Spit 1997 31MAR1997:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 49.31 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986MBEMSED MBEM Matagorda Bay East Matagorda 1986 30JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 65.456666311 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997MBTPSED MBTP Matagorda Bay Tres Palacios Bay 1997 20DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 75.5 Percent Mussel Watch MW1995GASLSED GASL Prince William Sound Sleepy Bay 1995 28MAR1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 7.8 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007MBTPSED MBTP Matagorda Bay Tres Palacios Bay 2007 01DEC2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 23.73 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986MBGPSED MBGP Matagorda Bay Gallinipper Point 1986 31JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 47.630001068 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007MBEMSED MBEM Matagorda Bay East Matagorda 2007 14DEC2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 23.77 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986MBLRSED MBLR Matagorda Bay Lavaca River Mouth 1986 31JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 59.666667938 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987CCICSED CCIC Corpus Christi Ingleside Cove 1987 13JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 46.746667226 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987CCNBSED CCNB Corpus Christi Nueces Bay 1987 13JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 30 Percent Mussel Watch MW1996ESBDSED ESBD Espiritu Santo Bill Days Reef 1996 19DEC1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 83.4 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997MBCBSED MBCB Matagorda Bay Carancahua Bay 1997 18DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 5.8 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007CBCRSED CBCR Copano Bay Copano Reef 2007 29NOV2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 8.19 Percent Mussel Watch MW1995PWKHSED PWKH Prince William Sound Knowles Head 1995 29MAR1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 2.3 Percent Mussel Watch MW1995PWSHSED PWSH Prince William Sound Sheep Bay 1995 30MAR1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 5.7 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987PVMCSED PVMC Port Valdez Mineral Creek Flats 1987 27MAR1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 100 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986ABLRSED ABLR Aransas Bay Long Reef 1986 26JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 43.789999326 Percent Mussel Watch MW1989BRCLSED BRCL Brazos River Cedar Lakes 1989 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 23.03333346 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987SAPPSED SAPP San Antonio Bay Panther Point Reef 1987 15JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 24.454999924 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986UISBSED UISB Unakwit Inlet Siwash Bay 1986 24MAR1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 14 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987UISBSED UISB Unakwit Inlet Siwash Bay 1987 26MAR1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 17.333333333 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997UISBSED UISB Unakwit Inlet Siwash Bay 1997 02APR1997:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 4.53 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986SAPPSED SAPP San Antonio Bay Panther Point Reef 1986 02FEB1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 22.823333104 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997NBESSED NBES Nahku Bay East Side 1997 05APR1997:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 34.49 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986SAMPSED SAMP San Antonio Bay Mosquito Point 1986 02FEB1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 24.17666626 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986PVMCSED PVMC Port Valdez Mineral Creek Flats 1986 24MAR1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997PVMCSED PVMC Port Valdez Mineral Creek Flats 1997 02APR1997:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 48.21 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986PVMCSED PVMC Port Valdez Mineral Creek Flats 1986 24MAR1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 46.666666667 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997BRFSSED BRFS Brazos River Freeport Surfside 1997 03DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 18.15 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007CBCRSED CBCR Copano Bay Copano Reef 2007 29NOV2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 91.81 Percent Mussel Watch MW1988MBCBSED MBCB Matagorda Bay Carancahua Bay 1988 12JAN1988:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 69.196666718 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007MBCBSED MBCB Matagorda Bay Carancahua Bay 2007 14DEC2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 53.36 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997MBTPSED MBTP Matagorda Bay Tres Palacios Bay 1997 20DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 24.5 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987ESSPSED ESSP Espiritu Santo South Pass Reef 1987 15JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 48.946666718 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006ESBDSED ESBD Espiritu Santo Bill Days Reef 2006 06DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 4.84 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986ESBDSED ESBD Espiritu Santo Bill Days Reef 1986 01FEB1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 8.2133334478 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987SAMPSED SAMP San Antonio Bay Mosquito Point 1987 14JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 73.703333537 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006SAMPSED SAMP San Antonio Bay Mosquito Point 2006 06DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 33.31 Percent Mussel Watch MW1996SAPPSED SAPP San Antonio Bay Panther Point Reef 1996 19DEC1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 44.88 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986SAPPSED SAPP San Antonio Bay Panther Point Reef 1986 02FEB1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 59.370001475 Percent Mussel Watch MW1995GASHSED GASH Gulf of Alaska Shuyak Harbor 1995 19MAR1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 16 Percent Mussel Watch MW1988BRFSSED BRFS Brazos River Freeport Surfside 1988 16DEC1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 22.560000102 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006SAPPSED SAPP San Antonio Bay Panther Point Reef 2006 06DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 50.93 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987MBGPSED MBGP Matagorda Bay Gallinipper Point 1987 13JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 59.710000356 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997MBEMSED MBEM Matagorda Bay East Matagorda 1997 20DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 30.66 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987MBEMSED MBEM Matagorda Bay East Matagorda 1987 12JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 23.273333232 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987MBLRSED MBLR Matagorda Bay Lavaca River Mouth 1987 13JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 18.143333753 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006SAPPSED SAPP San Antonio Bay Panther Point Reef 2006 06DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 47.36 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987SAMPSED SAMP San Antonio Bay Mosquito Point 1987 14JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 11.806666692 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006SAMPSED SAMP San Antonio Bay Mosquito Point 2006 06DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 63.61 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997CCNBSED CCNB Corpus Christi Nueces Bay 1997 16DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 29.52 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986CCNBSED CCNB Corpus Christi Nueces Bay 1986 29JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 41.163332939 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997CCNBSED CCNB Corpus Christi Nueces Bay 1997 16DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 70.48 Percent Mussel Watch MW1995PWKHSED PWKH Prince William Sound Knowles Head 1995 29MAR1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 1.1 Percent Mussel Watch MW1995PWSHSED PWSH Prince William Sound Sheep Bay 1995 30MAR1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 4 Percent Mussel Watch MW1988ABHISED ABHI Aransas Bay Harbor Island 1988 13JAN1988:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 12.823333104 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007BRCLSED BRCL Brazos River Cedar Lakes 2007 18NOV2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 59.84 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997CCBHSED CCBH Corpus Christi Boat Harbor 1997 16DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006SAPPSED SAPP San Antonio Bay Panther Point Reef 2006 06DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 3.57 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997BRCLSED BRCL Brazos River Cedar Lakes 1997 03DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007CCNBSED CCNB Corpus Christi Nueces Bay 2007 28NOV2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW1988BRFSSED BRFS Brazos River Freeport Surfside 1988 16DEC1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0.8833333347 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987CBCRSED CBCR Copano Bay Copano Reef 1987 14JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007BRFSSED BRFS Brazos River Freeport Surfside 2007 18NOV2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 43.21 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007ABLRSED ABLR Aransas Bay Long Reef 2007 29NOV2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Sand - Chemistry Sample 45.57 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986CCNBSED CCNB Corpus Christi Nueces Bay 1986 29JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 2.2100000083 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997CBCRSED CBCR Copano Bay Copano Reef 1997 20DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 55.5 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007CBCRSED CBCR Copano Bay Copano Reef 2007 29NOV2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 36.93 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987SAPPSED SAPP San Antonio Bay Panther Point Reef 1987 15JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 29.710000038 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987SAMPSED SAMP San Antonio Bay Mosquito Point 1987 14JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986SAMPSED SAMP San Antonio Bay Mosquito Point 1986 02FEB1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986SAPPSED SAPP San Antonio Bay Panther Point Reef 1986 02FEB1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997PVMCSED PVMC Port Valdez Mineral Creek Flats 1997 02APR1997:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 39.31 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987ABLRSED ABLR Aransas Bay Long Reef 1987 13JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997ABLRSED ABLR Aransas Bay Long Reef 1997 17DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007MBLRSED MBLR Matagorda Bay Lavaca River Mouth 2007 01DEC2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 26.4 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987MBLRSED MBLR Matagorda Bay Lavaca River Mouth 1987 13JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 41.870000521 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987MBGPSED MBGP Matagorda Bay Gallinipper Point 1987 13JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 82.906667074 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997MBGPSED MBGP Matagorda Bay Gallinipper Point 1997 20DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 55.7 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987MBEMSED MBEM Matagorda Bay East Matagorda 1987 12JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 57.363333384 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986UISBSED UISB Unakwit Inlet Siwash Bay 1986 24MAR1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 5.55 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007BRFSSED BRFS Brazos River Freeport Surfside 2007 18NOV2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007CCNBSED CCNB Corpus Christi Nueces Bay 2007 28NOV2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 20.98 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997CCICSED CCIC Corpus Christi Ingleside Cove 1997 16DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 14.31 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007CBCRSED CBCR Copano Bay Copano Reef 2007 29NOV2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997CCNBSED CCNB Corpus Christi Nueces Bay 1997 16DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Clay - Chemistry Sample 26.48 Percent Mussel Watch MW1995GASLSED GASL Prince William Sound Sleepy Bay 1995 28MAR1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 12.1 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987UISBSED UISB Unakwit Inlet Siwash Bay 1987 26MAR1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 81.8 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986UISBSED UISB Unakwit Inlet Siwash Bay 1986 24MAR1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 82 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986CCICSED CCIC Corpus Christi Ingleside Cove 1986 02FEB1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 3.2200000286 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987CCNBSED CCNB Corpus Christi Nueces Bay 1987 13JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW1995GAWBSED GAWB Gulf of Alaska Windy Bay 1995 20MAR1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 1.9 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997BRFSSED BRFS Brazos River Freeport Surfside 1997 03DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006ESBDSED ESBD Espiritu Santo Bill Days Reef 2006 06DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 21.66 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006LMACSED LMAC Lower Laguna Madre Arroyo Colorado 2006 17DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 5.49 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997PVMCSED PVMC Port Valdez Mineral Creek Flats 1997 02APR1997:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 5.73 Percent Mussel Watch MW1996SAMPSED SAMP San Antonio Bay Mosquito Point 1996 19DEC1995:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 26.21 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007BRCLSED BRCL Brazos River Cedar Lakes 2007 18NOV2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 74.25 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986SAMPSED SAMP San Antonio Bay Mosquito Point 1986 02FEB1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Silt - Chemistry Sample 44.743333181 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986ESSPSED ESSP Espiritu Santo South Pass Reef 1986 01FEB1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0.0399999991 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987ESBDSED ESBD Espiritu Santo Bill Days Reef 1987 15JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007MBGPSED MBGP Matagorda Bay Gallinipper Point 2007 13DEC2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986MBGPSED MBGP Matagorda Bay Gallinipper Point 1986 31JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006LMACSED LMAC Lower Laguna Madre Arroyo Colorado 2006 17DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Fines - Chemistry Sample 64.68 Percent Mussel Watch MW1986MBEMSED MBEM Matagorda Bay East Matagorda 1986 30JAN1986:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0.6000000089 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997MBEMSED MBEM Matagorda Bay East Matagorda 1997 20DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997MBGPSED MBGP Matagorda Bay Gallinipper Point 1997 20DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007MBLRSED MBLR Matagorda Bay Lavaca River Mouth 2007 01DEC2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW2007MBARSED MBAR Mesquite Bay Ayres Reef 2007 29NOV2006:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW1987MBARSED MBAR Mesquite Bay Ayres Reef 1987 13JAN1987:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997MBCBSED MBCB Matagorda Bay Carancahua Bay 1997 18DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent Mussel Watch MW1988MBDISED MBDI Matagorda Bay Dog Island 1988 11JAN1988:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0.6033333341 Percent Mussel Watch MW2006LMSBSED LMSB Lower Laguna Madre South Bay 2006 17DEC2005:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0.24 Percent Mussel Watch MW1997MBTPSED MBTP Matagorda Bay Tres Palacios Bay 1997 20DEC1996:00:00:00.000 Sediment Sediment GS Gravel - Chemistry Sample 0 Percent